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Frequently Asked Questions

Chloe, the creator of Oopsy Poopsy!
  • What is Oopsy Poopsy, Litterbox Edition??​

  • It is our newest member to the Oopsy Poopsy Game family.

  • The gameplay is very similar to our original version.

    • There is ONE game rule change, and we've updated the website to include this change for the Puppy version as well.​

  • It has 24 unique and professionally drawn CATS!  (each with a special name)

  • It has been officially released as of October 30, 2024!!!!

  • It is available right MEOW!

  • What is so unique about this game?

    • It's not just ONE thing, but more a combination of things:

      • The inception was the brainchild of...well, a child​.  lol

      • The game play and concept are original and unique.

      • Players must (are strongly encouraged to) call out different phrases and make gestures during the game play.

      • The audible interaction not only helps people break out of their shells, but it also helps break any tension when players are just getting to know each other.

      • This game has brought people together, turning strangers and acquaintances into friends.

      • Oopsy Poopsy! plays well with a mixture of kids, adults, older adults, hardcore boardgame and tabletop gamers, Gen Xers, Gen Zers, Baby Boomers, Millennials, Gen Alfas, Homo-sapiens, etc.

      • This game has inspired other kids to design their own games!

      • This game is visually-impaired and color-blind friendly.

      • This game meshes well with MOST subcultures. (Cat AND Dog people playing together)​

  • How can I buy this game?

    • The original 100 decks sold out within 2 weeks.

    • Our next order of 1,000 decks met the same fate.

    • Our NEW version (Oopsy Poopsy, Litterbox Edition) is finally here!!

    • We hope to restock the original puppy version after the Kitty version gets off the ground. 

    • Buying options include:

      • Online via our website ​& secure payment system as product becomes available

      • Local residents can message us through our website to arrange a meet up/exchange

      • And a sampling of retailers in North America​

  • Do we actually HAVE to say, “Oopsy Poopsy!, Squirrel!, Here puppy, puppy!, and Puppy stay!” to play the game?  Can't we just NOT say it?

    • We obviously cannot force anyone to have extra fun or significantly increase the chances of laughing out loud by saying the funny phrases; however...

      • they are an excellent way of stepping out of your comfort zone, letting go, and having fun!

      • it's hilarious to watch the creative ways your old/new friends personalize the sayings and gestures.

      • they really make the game more fun and enjoyable, especially for any spectators!

      • they alert players of what is happening in the game. Remember you may have a plan, but another player's lead may alter that plan!

  • What is this yard that you speak of?

    • The YARD is the area immediately in front of a player where their puppies or kitties are placed.

  • Can a person draw from the discard pile?

    • Picking from the draw pile is forbidden!​

  • What happens when a player forgets to replenish their hand?

    • Oopsy Poopsy is a “PLAY FROM HAND" and then "DRAW TO REFRESH" type of game.

    • This style of play can take some getting used to, so when this happens, simply allow that player to refresh their hand as soon as they notice.

    • There is a more cut-throat version where it's more, "Too bad, so sad!"  You can find this and other alternative ways to play in the "Alternative Game Play Options" section of the instructions download for the Puppy Version.  This alternate rule could also be applied to the Litterbox Edition.

    • A more common occurrence is when a player forgets the gameplay and accidently draws a card at the beginning of their turn. When this happens, call them a "cheater-pants" and have them put it in the discard pile.

  • When someone plays a Squirrel/Bone (puppy version) or Mouse/Fishy (kitty version) do I HAVE to play a Stay?

    • Nope!  Stay cards are always optional and sometimes a key ingredient in a person's game strategy.

  • Does playing the Stay card count as an action or turn?​

    • Not at all!  Because the Stay card is only used to counter the Squirrel, Bone, Mouse, and Fishy cards, it's never played during your own turn.  Pretty cool huh?

  • Is the Perfect/Purrrfect Collar card kind of like a wild card?

    • Yes.  Yes it is.  It has all three charms and goes with any color puppy/kitty.

    • In the instructions download for the Puppy Version, there is an alternative play listed under "Alternative Game Play Options" that involves the Perfect Collar card. This alternate rule could also be applied to the Litterbox Edition..

  • Why do some puppies have a T-bone steak in their mouths?

    • They are not interested in Bones (because they already have a steak. Get it?) so they will NEVER be lured into another player’s yard by a Bone.  Think of these puppies as "Bone-Immune."

  • Why do some puppies have a black leather jacket and dark shades on?

    • ​​They are way too cool to chase Squirrels so will NEVER become lost chasing one.  Think of these puppies as "Squirrel-Immune."​

  • Why do some kitties have a patterned background and Fishy icon at the bottom?

    • ​​They have personal reasons for not being tempted by a fishy, and so they will NEVER be lured into another player’s yard by a Fishy.  Think of these kitties as "Fishy-Immune."​

  • Why do some kitties have a patterned background and Mouse icon at the bottom?

    • They have personal or physical reasons for not being interested in chasing a Mouse, and so they will NEVER become lost chasing one.  Think of these kitties as "Mouse-Immune."​

  • What happens to my puppy/kitty when someone tosses a Squirrel/Mouse card on it?

    • Well, if you DON'T use a Stay card on it right away, it becomes LOST by either chasing a squirrel or Mouse.

    • It stays in your yard, but now has a squirrel/Mouse card placed sideways on top of it.

    • It also doesn't count as one of the required puppies/kitties needed to win the game.

    • You can overcome this by placing an additional puppy/kitty in your yard for every lost one.

      • I.e. You have 1 lost puppy, so you place 1 additional puppy to compensate for it.

      • I.e. You have 2 lost kitties, so you place 2 additional kitties to ​compensate for the lost ones.

    • For the puppy version, you can find your lost puppy by playing a Dog Whistle Card (on your next turn) to make it count again.

    • For the kitty version, you can find your kitty by catching the mouse your cat was chasing by playing a TRAP card (on your next turn) to make your kitty count again.

  • How many Squirrel/Mouse cards can be in a player's yard?

    • In regular game play, a maximum of only 2 Squirrels can be in a player's yard at any time.

    • ​In the instructions download for the Puppy Version, there is an option listed under "Alternative Game Play Options" that increases the maximum number of squirrels.  This alternate rule could also be applied to the Litterbox Edition.

  • When my puppy becomes lost chasing a squirrel, is it still my puppy?

    • Yes!  It is still your puppy and physically remains in your yard, BUT it does NOT count as one of your puppies in your yard.

  • When my kitty becomes lost chasing a mouse, is it still my kitty?

  • Yes!  It is still your kitty and physically remains in your yard, BUT it does NOT count as one of your kitties in your yard.

  • How do I find MY lost puppy/kitty?

    • ONLY with a Dog Whistle (puppy version) or TRAP (kitty version) card.​

  • Can I find ANOTHER player's lost puppy?

    • Yes, but ONLY with the Pet Carrier card.  These cards are very rare, so it may not happen too often.

  • Can I find ANOTHER player's lost kitty?

    • Yes, but ONLY with the KCU (Kitty Containment Unit) card.  These cards are very rare, so it may not happen too often.

  • Can I use a Pet Carrier/KCU card to find MY lost puppy or kitty?​

    • No. ​The Pet Carrier and Dog Whistle cards are NOT interchangeable.

    • Likewise, the KCU and TRAP cards are NOT interchangeable.

  • Can someone counter the Pet Carrier or KCU card?​

    • Nope!  You can't say, "Stay!" to a lost puppy or kitty.​

  • Does the game sometimes seem to start off slow?

    • Most players will spend a few turns building their hands before finding a match.

    • Number of players and experience levels will have an impact on the speed of each turn.  

      • During a 2-player game it may take longer before a puppy or kitty is in play

      • New players may take longer to choose an action on their turn

    • As players learn the game, the turns become faster and faster.

    • Regardless of experience levels, the game will ramp up quickly.

    • The more players, the sooner the game kicks off and the faster it ramps up.

  • Did your 5-year-old daughter really invent this game?​

    • Yes!  You can view the history of the game on this video.

    • We developed the game play with a few coworkers over a 3-month period, but every change was Chloe-approved before it was implemented.

    • Quite honestly, this game would not exist if not for Chloe's imagination and hard work drawing out the cards on over 50 sticky notes completely by herself.

    • The name changed a few times before getting manufactured:

      • The original game name was "Color Puppies" (because the game has colorful puppies in it)

      • The next name she came up with was "I Want Puppies" (the object of the game is to collect puppies in your yard)

      • After weeks of discussion, we came up with the current name, "Oopsy Poopsy!" and never looked back.

    • The card art in the newest puppy version is her actual drawings (digitally colored by dad)!​

    • ​Her original deck had a Toy card that was eventually replaced by a Bone card after we addressed a problem designing a Special Puppy that would be immune to a Toy card.  The Bone card just made more sense, and she agreed.

  • Is this game for kids or adults?​

    • Yes and yes!  Kids love it.  Teens love it.  Young adults love it.  Older adults love it.  In fact, we've even received letters that senior citizens enjoy it because of the colors and easy-to-read large text.​  We've also played it with nearly every age group we could find and taken it to gaming conventions and played with hardcore gamers.  This is how we know it truly is for EVERYONE!

  • Will I enjoy this game?​

    • We think so as 99.8753% of everyone who has ever played it, ends up loving and wanting to have it.  It's kind of what started this whole journey to create and sell Oopsy Poopsy!​

Chloe giving you a thumbs up for liking her game

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