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Oopsy Poopsy, Litterbox Edition!
Burmese McBrains - Special cat who can't be lured with a Fishy
Rainbow Sparkles - Regular alicorn cat


A uniquely epic card game
created by a 5-year-old girl!

2 - 5 Players
Currently play-testing an expansion deck for 6 - 8 players
Ages 6 - 107
It shatters the generation gap!
We haven't found an age group who didn't love it!

Duration is 10-30 minutes
Depending on player experience levels
Be the first player to have the required number of felines in your yard to win the game, but you must avoid other players' sabotage!

(Number of felines needed to win is based on number of players)

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Russell - Special cat who won't chase a mouse

Russell says to give us feedback, ask a question, or just say, "HI!"
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Oopsy Poopsy and its images are under copyright 2018 & U.S. Trademark protection!  Please do not take advantage of or try to spoil a little girl's dream.  Thank you!

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